Book cheap hotels in Canada
Canada is the second largest country in the world, and within its borders lie some of the best parks and nature preserves. It is no wonder, then, that most of its tourist attractions and travel packages are based on outdoor fun. There are golf and skiing vacations, hiking trails, amusement parks, fishing spots, and miles of forests that burn crimson and gold during its famous autumn. Yes, there are a few notable museums and exhibits, but the wise travelers will spend their hours under the bright blue skies, for that is where the magic of Canada lies.
All info about this destination
Do you want to go to Canada? This is a special holiday destination. What makes this country so special: a green nature, a delicious local cuisine, monumental buildings and a wonderful culture. There is a suitable hotel for every budget. The most affordable budget hotels are available from €98,00 per accommodation. Do you want a more luxurious room? Then you have to count on an average of €190,00 per overnight stay. It is a popular destination for a sun holiday. It is also popular in winter. Book your hotel room in Canada at the lowest rate. Choose one of the hotel providers and book rooms at the best price.
Country | Canada |
Capital city | Ottawa |
Average hotel price | €133,00 |
Language | French |
Currencies | Canadian dollar (CAD) |
Best time to visit | March to October |
Number of inhabitants | 38.454.327 |
Land area | 9984670 km2 |
Time zone | UTC−08:00 (PT) |
National Airline | Air Canada |
Major Airport | Toronto Pearson International Airport (IATA:YYZ) |
Official government website | |
Important info
Are you going on a trip to Canada? It is smart to read well in advance. The country’s capital is Ottawa. The currency is Canadian dollar (CAD). The Canadian time zone is UTC−08:00 (PT). The official language: French. There are about 38.454.327 residents. The country’s total land area is 9984670 km2. Information about power and electricity: the current voltage is 120 V, 60 Hz and the type of electrical sockets is A / B. The country code is +1.
Compare best hotels in Canada (March 2025)
Booking.comSpecial regions for your hotel stay in Canada
Canada has special areas where you can spend time during your holiday. Below you will find a summary of beautiful regions. You can then find an explanation and research the different hotel offers. Tip: also inquire about hotel accommodations in Belarus & Dominica.
Populaire plekken in deze regio:- Thetford Mines
- Huntsville
- Squamish
- Rustico
- Queens
- Cobourg
- Shawinigan
- North Battleford
- Sept Iles
- North Saanich
Explanation of public transportation in Canada
Canada has a well laid out public transport network. A major airport in this region is Toronto Pearson International Airport. Good transfers are available. The flag carrier is Air Canada. They fly to different destinations. With a last-minute deal you can save extra. On more background info is given about: tourist tax, insurances and residence permits (visas) and passports.
Getting There & Around
American citizens can enter Canada through its shared border. The other major points of entry are:
- Calgary (Alberta) International Airport, to enter Western Canada, Banff and the Canadian Rockies.
- Edmonton (Alberta) International Airport, to enter Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Vancouver
- Halifax (Nova Scotia) International Airport, to enter Eastern Canada
- Hamilton (Ontario) International Airport, to enter Toronto
- Shuttle services, taxis, and rental cars make it very easy to travel from the airport to the desired city.
Getting Around
Despite Canada’s immense size, it is easy to travel from one point to another. Cities and towns are linked by Air Canada, among other carriers. The train system, called the Canadian, is one of the best ways to move from one state to another while savoring the scenery in between (in fact, some agencies offer travel-by-rail tours). Tourists can also take advantage of the comfortable, efficient and affordable intercity bus network. Those who wish to explore the country by car will need an International Driving Permit, with the exception of American citizens.
Normal hotel prices
Canadian hotel prices vary widely (based on regio & type of accommodation). We offer a price estimate in the next figure.
Accommodation type | Prices |
Cheap accommodation | €98,00 |
Regular room | €133,00 |
Luxurious accommodation | €190,00 |
City trip | €399,00 |
Supper (per person) | €45,00 |
Climate & Weather Forecasts March 2025
Canada is a wonderful country. The country has a Subarctic climate. The annual temperature is approximately -6,4°C degrees. In winter the temperatures drop a bit. Take into account about -27,6 degrees centigrade. Temperatures rise during the summer. Arround 12,8 degrees centigrade. In the schedule below you will find the weather forecast for the next 7 days.