Hotel with private pool
Couples traveling together want to do everything possible to ensure a perfect romantic retreat. One of the best ways to create a romantic vacation is to choose the correct hotel room. The accommodation that offer hotel rooms with private pools or plunge pools are a great choice for romantic retreats, and are often reserved for honeymoons or special occasions. Instead of sharing a public pool with crowds of children and adults, plunge pools allow passengers to enjoy a moment alone in the comfort of their own terrace of the hotel room. While rooms with private pools are generally available in major resorts and luxury hotels, do a thorough research online to find a hotel in the ideal vacation destination and price to you. Check out the cheapest hotels in Sweden and most popular accommodations in Slovakia.
Rare and luxury amenities
Of course, you have to consider that a small number of hotel rooms with an own pools exist, what makes them one of the rarest hotel amenities. For example, only a dozen of hotels with private pools are available in Bali. In almost all cases pools are amenities reserved for 5 star luxury hotels and are available only in some rooms or suites of the resort. Be sure to call ahead to check availability before booking hotel suites with pool, jacuzzi or hottub.
The most expensive and exclusive hotel suites
Most of us can only dream about traveling around the world, having the ability to spend exorbitant amounts of money to stay in the most expensive and exclusive hotel suites. What a perfect getaway to have an own pool, several bedrooms, your own butler, a private beach, and having a second floor in your hotel suite. This life is absolutely fabulous! Where to get such service? The Royal Villa at Grand Resort Lagonissi in Greece is the most expensive hotel room that comes with the best facilities: a butler, chef, pianist, chauffeur and private pool.